Sacred Blood Online


An immersive and experiential journey into the magick and mystery of your blood.

Register Now for $33!



Sacred Blood is an in depth guide to honouring your monthly cycle. Through various tools and resources we explore an array of rituals to honour your blood every month.

Sacred Blood has been designed as a course you can do in order or dip in and out of depending on what you are feeling at any given time in your cycle.

You will have opportunities to journal, to journey, to create your own rituals and track your cycle.

There is opportunity for deep healing and transformation, when we are ready to unravel our stories, find the gold within them and move forward with a new story, a new relationship with our cycle and ourselves.

My wish for you is to go through this course and LOVE your blood.  To really love the process our body goes through, but more than that, to fall in love with the mystery we get to experience each month.

This is not a course that focuses on tracking your cycle (though there is a cycle tracker included!), or one that asks you to measure and note your signs and symptoms.  We don't go through the ins and outs of menstrual phases.  This is a space to revel in the mystery. That magick place inside that holds so much wisdom and power that many of us have forgotten. 



What's Inside

During this course you will...

  • Better understand you're own magic
  • Create blood ritual
  • Journey and journal
  • Reclaim your blood power
  • Explore the Wheel and Rites of Passage
  • And much more 

Who is this for?

All are welcome in this online sacred space

Do you love your period and want to revel in the feelings of your womb and your blood?

Are you intrigued by blood and menstruation and want to dive deeper?

Do you have a painful or difficult relationship with your cycle?

Have you stopped bleeding and wish to bring healing to your experience.

Or perhaps you have just started bleeding and want to better understand and deepen your relationship with your body.

This course is made for all who will bleed, who still bleed or who have stopped bleeding. I welcome you all. 

Meet Sequoia


am Sequoia and am your guide through this journey.

I am a Mother of 2, a Witch, a Shamanic Craftswoman, a Doula and a Hearthkeeper.

I am the founder of The Wild Witch, where wild and rebellious women can come home to themselves and find their magick,

My relationship with my blood has been long and beautiful! I am grateful for each drop while I am still in my fertile years!

Want to know more about Sequoia?

FrequentlyAsked Questions

Yes! Register me now for $33!

1:1 Sessions


Are you looking for additional support with your journey? I offer 90minute 1:1 Shamanic Womancraft Sessions for $250 and 60 minute Menstrual Coaching Sessions for $200 (or $150 for those of you who have purchased the online course). You can add these to your purchase when you go through the checkout for Sacred Blood Online, or find out more below.

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